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☶ N A M E : Cannes Clemenceau ☶ A G E : Appears 26 ☶ G E N D E R : Cisgendered male ☶ G E N E A L O G Y : Creole x Caucasian ☶ H E I G H T : 6'1" ☶ W E I G H T : 189 lbs ☶ B U I L D : Athletic ☶ H A I R : Black, white around scar ☶ E Y E S : Warm jade ☶ S K I N : Tanned, olive undertone ☶ D I S T I N C T I O N: slight smatterings of subtle freckles on his cheeks, shoulders, and forearms. Grey streak in hair due to scar tissue. A well-built physique. Linear scarring on the left half of his face, including a notch in his ear. ☶ P E R S O N A L I T Y: Thoughtful and laconic. His demeanor is largely regarded as hardworking and friendly, if a bit quiet. Cannes has little patience or care for ostentatious bravado or those who impress their will upon others without invitation. This renders the young man something of a lone wolf. |
"Show me what you love,
and I can tell who you are." |
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☶ S E X U A L I T Y : Kinsey 2 ☶ S T A T U S : Unbound ☶ O C C U P A T I O N : Warehouse manager -- 5 Points ☶ L A N G U A G E : English, French ☶ S C E N T : Petrichor, lunar flowers ☶ V O I C E : baritone & smooth ☶ A U R A : Dark blue ☶ H A N D E D : Right ☶ C U R S E : Werewolf [born] ☶ I N T E R E S T S : He is partial to reading, and enjoys classic literature. His rough edges manifest themselves in places like the 5 Points arena and the mixed martial arts gym in Riverside. He has spent an unreasonable amount of time honing his physical capabilities as a fighter. |
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